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RINEX File Splice

For the RINEX file splicing, one can give an unsorted list of input files of a single station. The observation types order can also differ from input file to input file, and an observation type order change inside of a single file is also taken into account.

Simply provide a list of input files and the output file:

gfzrnx -finp pots007b.14o pots007a.14o ... pots007x.14o -fout pots0070.14o      -kv

For bash command shell, it can be shortened using filename expansion options.

gfzrnx -finp      pots007{a..x}.14o -fout pots0070.14o      -kv
gfzrnx -finp /tmp/pots007{a..x}.14o -fout /tmp/pots0070.14o -kv

For csh command shell it is:

gfzrnx -finp      pots007[a-x].14o -fout pots0070.14o      -kv
gfzrnx -finp /tmp/pots007[a-x].14o -fout /tmp/pots0070.14o -kv

For windows-users in cmd.exe or powershell.exe it is:

gfzrnx -finp        pots007[a-x].14o -fout pots0070.14o        -kv
gfzrnx -finp c:\tmp\pots007[a-x].14o -fout c:\tmp\pots0070.14o -kv

This works similarly for navigation and meteo files.

gfzrnx -finp      pots007[a-x].14m -fout /tmp/pots0070.14m --version_out 2
gfzrnx -finp /tmp/pots007[a-x].14? -fout /tmp/brds0070.14n --version_out 3

Observation Data Splice Specials

There are two different splice modes available

Standard Mode (default)

The input file order is derived automatically. In case of overlapping input files, the file with fewer epochs is preferred. This will allow the splice of resubmitted files into an existing "big" file. All output data records are stored in RAM to allow a full data statistics output in the header while reading any input file only once. The output data types are derived from input statistics. This allows omitting "empty" observation types.

Fast / RAM save Mode ( -splice_memsave )

Via the -splice_memsave just the pure line-by-line output data block is stored in RAM for a fast output after the RINEX output header is written. Empty observation types are left in the output files because the observation types from the input header information are used to derive the output observation types.

gfzrnx -finp pots007[a-x].14o -fout pots0070.14o -kv -splice_memsave

Direct Mode ( -splice_direct )

Via the -splice_direct command line parameter, an epoch by epoch output of the observations data can be reached, which leads to a small RAM utilization. Using this mode, a full data statistics header output is impossible.

gfzrnx -finp pots007[a-x].14o -fout pots0070.14o -kv -splice_direct

Try Append ( -try_append )

The -try_append n command line parameter initiates an initial check over all input files if append to the first file is possible. This can be useful in environments where e.g. a daily file is accumulating e.g. hourly files with time. In case of the append mode, the process will be significantly faster. The parameter of -try_append is the shortest nominal file duration (s)of the part files to be appended (e.g. 3600 for hourly files or 900 for 15-min files).

gfzrnx -finp pots007[a-x].14o -fout pots0070.14o -kv -try_append 3600 
gfzrnx -finp pots007[a-x].14o -fout pots0070.14o -kv -try_append 3600 -splice_direct

The navigation data splice is based on a majority filter for redundant navigation data records. There is a statistics table in the file header giving information about how many files contributed to the outputs per PRN. This can be useful in the case of creating navigation summary files for e.g. one day.

The header statistics table can be avoided via the -no_nav_stk command line parameter.

Here is shown an example header statistics table for BDS only:

B_TOP                                                       COMMENT
B_TOP   ----------------------------------------------      COMMENT
B_TOP    # of NAV. EPOCHS based on # of FILE CONTRIB.       COMMENT
B_TOP   ----------------------------------------------      COMMENT
B_TOP                                                       COMMENT
B_BEG C                                                     COMMENT
B_HD  BTP C   MTP    =1   `<5  <10  <15  <25  <50 >`=50  #EPO COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_STK EOP C19 CNVX    .    .    1    .    .    .    .    94 COMMENT
B_STK EOP C20 CNVX    .    .    1    .    .    .    .    72 COMMENT
B_STK EOP C45 CNVX    .    1    .    .    .    .    .    75 COMMENT
B_STK EOP C46 CNVX    1    .    1    .    .    .    .   106 COMMENT
B_STK EPH C01 D2      1   13   11    .    .    .    .    25 COMMENT
B_STK EPH C02 D2      1    .   12   12    .    .    .    25 COMMENT
B_STK EPH C56 D1      .    1    .    .    .    .    .     1 COMMENT
B_STK EPH C59 D2     13   12    .    .    .    .    .    25 COMMENT
B_STK EPH C60 D2      1   24    .    .    .    .    .    25 COMMENT
B_STK ION C01 D1D2    1    .    .    .    .    .    .     2 COMMENT
B_STK ION C02 D1D2    7    8    .    .    .    .    .    16 COMMENT
B_STK ION C59 D1D2    8    .    .    .    .    .    .    10 COMMENT
B_STK ION C60 D1D2    4    .    .    .    .    .    .     4 COMMENT
B_STK STO C01 D1D2    1    .    .    .    .    .    .     2 COMMENT
B_STK STO C02 D1D2    1    .    .    .    .    .    .    16 COMMENT
B_STK STO C46 D1D2    1    2    .    .    .    .    .    15 COMMENT
B_STK STO C59 D1D2    2    .    .    .    .    .    .    10 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM EOP C   CNVX                                     2174 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM EOP C                                            2174 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM EPH C   CNV1                                      638 COMMENT
B_SUM EPH C   CNV2                                      641 COMMENT
B_SUM EPH C   CNV3                                      537 COMMENT
B_SUM EPH C   D1                                        932 COMMENT
B_SUM EPH C   D2                                        175 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM EPH C                                            2923 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM ION C   CNVX                                     2174 COMMENT
B_SUM ION C   D1D2                                      544 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM ION C                                            2718 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM STO C   CNVX                                     2174 COMMENT
B_SUM STO C   D1D2                                      482 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT
B_SUM STO C                                            2656 COMMENT
B_LN  --- C ----------------------------------------------- COMMENT


B_ALL EOP -   -                                        3414 COMMENT
B_ALL EPH -   -                                       17109 COMMENT
B_ALL ION -   -                                        5455 COMMENT
B_ALL STO -   -                                        5207 COMMENT
        33                                                  MERGED_FILE

Use the -nav_epo_filter command line parameter to filter the navigation records. Only records with standard epochs are left in the output file.

Use the -nav_epo_strict command line parameter to filter the navigation records. Only records with nominal epochs are left in the output file.

Use the -nav_latest command line parameter to filter the navigation records. Only the latest record per PRN is left in the output file. In this case, the header statistics tables are omitted and the default prn output sorting is used.

With Rinex version 3.05 an additional record was introduced to the GLONASS navigation data block.

Use the -vo 3.04 command line parameter to output version 3.04 omitting the additional GLONASS record to be compatible with your existing navigation data environment.

Remark - Splice/Split

It is possible to combine the splice and split operation of observation data via a single command line call.

Here is an example of splicing e.g. 15 min input files and splitting to hourly files keeping the version in output.

gfzrnx -finp pots007[a-x]??.14o -fout /tmp/::RX2:: -kv -split 3600
This can be additionally combined with data sampling, satellite system- and observation type selection etc..

Remark - Filename Expansion - UNIX

On UNIX systems, the file name expansion is usually done by the calling command shell. Please adopt the filename expansion options like ?, *, [], etc. to your used command shell. The [a-x] or {a...x} can be used too, depending on the used command shell.

Remark - Filename Expansion - Microsoft Windows

MS Windows does not support the file name expansion in its command line interfaces. Therefore, this is done within gfzrnx. Only ?, *, [] are supported here.