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RINEX Hatanaka Compressed Files

Hatanaka RINEX compressed files are not directly supported, but the Hatanaka RINEX compression or decompression can be combined with gfzrnx using the standard in/output (via pipes).

The Hatanaka RINEX compression/decompression utilities RNXCMP are free software and can be downloaded from

On the following page, you can find some examples of the RNXCMP decompression/compression in combination with gfzrnx and gzip compression.


gunzip -c pots0700.17d.Z | crx2rnx - | gfzrnx -kv          -fout pots0700.17o
gunzip -c pots0700.17d.Z | crx2rnx - | gfzrnx -kv  -smp 30 -fout pots0700.17o

gunzip -c POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz | crx2rnx - | gfzrnx -kv         -fout POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.rnx
gunzip -c POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_01S_MO.crx.gz | crx2rnx - | gfzrnx -kv -smp 30 -fout POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.rnx


gfzrnx -finp pots0700.17o         -kv | rnx2crx - | gzip -c > pots0700.17d.gz
gfzrnx -finp pots0700.17o -smp 30 -kv | rnx2crx - | gzip -c > pots0700.17d.gz

gfzrnx -finp POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.rnx | rnx2crx -           > POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx 
gfzrnx -finp POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.rnx | rnx2crx - | gzip -c > POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz

cat POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.rnx | gfzrnx         | rnx2crx -           > POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx
cat POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.rnx | gfzrnx         | rnx2crx - | gzip -c > POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz

cat POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_01S_MO.rnx | gfzrnx -smp 30 | rnx2crx -           > POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx
cat POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_01S_MO.rnx | gfzrnx -smp 30 | rnx2crx - | gzip -c > POTS01DEU_R_20170700000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz