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RINEX File Output Epoch Interval

Supported Date/Time/Epoch Formats


Date Type Abbreviation Example
MJD MJD 56753
GPSweekWeekday WWWWD 17870
YearDayofyear YYYYDDD 2014096
YearMonthDay YYYYMMDD 20140406
Year-Month-Day YYYY-MM-DD 2014-04-06


Time Type Abbreviation Example
HourMinuteSecond HHMMSS 123000
Hour:Minute:Second HH:MM:SS 12:30:00


An Epoch string can be formed, connecting any Date-string via _ with a Time-string.

Date Type Example
MJD 56753_123000
GPSweekWeekday 17870_12:30:00
YearDayofyear 2014096_123000
YearMonthDay 20140406_12:30:00
Year-Month-Day 2014-04-06_123000

Dedicated Output Epoch Interval

To extract a dedicated epoch interval from a RINEX-file you have to provide a Start-Epoch via -epo_beg and the duration -d or -duration in seconds.

Here is an example to extract the first hour of a daily input file.

gfzrnx -finp pots0070.15o -fout pots007a.15o -epo_beg 2015-01-07_000000   -d 3600
gfzrnx -finp pots0070.15o -fout pots007a.15o -epo_beg    2015007_00:00:00 -d 3600
gfzrnx -finp pots0070.15o -fout pots007a.15o -epo_beg   20150107_000000   -d 3600

Strict Epoch interval ( -sei )

If you want that your output epoch interval strictly follows a RINEX file naming, you can give the -sei command line parameter to omit all data that do not fit the implicitly given epoch interval of your input or output file name. You have to use the parameters in, out to the -sei switch to indicate if either the input- or the output filename has to be used for the strict epoch interval handling.

gfzrnx -finp pots0070.15o -fout pots007a.15o_chk -chk    -sei in
gfzrnx -finp pots0070.15o -fout pots007a.15o_smp -smp 30 -sei out

The last example extracts the first hour from the daily input file, including a data sampling operation.

Extend Navigation File Boundaries ( -enb )

Navigation information files often contain records that don't correspond to the nominal time interval given via the in/out file names. To avoid the elimination of data extending the nominal time interval one can extend the interval to be checked via the -enb command line parameter. The check time interval will be extended at both boundaries by the number of seconds given. Choose a reasonable value to ensure the quality of the output file.

gfzrnx -finp grac182n.15f -fout ::RX3::FRA -f -sei in -enb 86400