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Every operation returns a new dateconv object. Therefore you can combine/concatenate any of the following operations and formatting options.

Arithmetic Operations

The arithmetic operations plus and minus are supported.

Adding seconds
obj, _ := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 14:17:00", "datetime", "")
obj.Plus(180).Timestr("", false)
// 142000
Substituting seconds
obj, _ := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 14:17:00", "datetime", "")
obj.Minus(120).Timestr("", false)
// 141500


You can easily compare two dateconv objects by using the following methods:

Method Meaning
Equal left expression is equal to right expression
NotEqual left expression is not equal to right expression
GreaterThan left expression is greater than right expression
Greater left expression is greater right expression
LowerThan left expression is lower than right expression
Lower left expression is lower right expression

The result of a comparison is a boolean expression (true or false). Both expressions need to be in dateconv format.

Comparison of Objects
left = dateconv.NewConversion("2022-01-01", "date", "")
right = dateconv.NewConversion("2022-01-01", "date", "")

if left.Equal(right):
// Equal


You can substitute strings containing defined keywords. The table below gives an overview of the allowed substitutions.

Keyword Description
YYYY Year (4-digit)
YY Year (2-digit)
mm Month
DD or DOM Day of the month
DDD or DOY Day of the year
DOW Day of the week (short version)
DOWL Day of the week (long version)
HH Hour of the day
H Hour as upper case letter
h Hour as lower case letter
MM Minute of the day
SS Seconds of the day
ssssss Microseconds of the day
sssssssss Nanoseconds of the day
GPSW GPS week (int)
GPSW0 GPS week (padded with zeros)
GPSD GPS day of the week (int)
SSSSSS GPS seconds of the week
SSSSS GPS seconds of the day
MJD Modified Julian Date (without fraction)
MJDF Modified Julian Date (with fraction)
UNIX UNIX seconds
UNIM UNIX seconds with microsecond resolution
UNIN UNIX seconds with nanosecond resolution

By calling the method Dictionary you will receive a dictionary with all elements listed above.

obj, _ := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 14:17:12.020", "datetime", "")
// 'YYYY': '2022'
// 'YY': '22'
// 'mm': '09'
// 'DD': '10'
// 'HH': '14'
// 'H': 'O'
// 'h': 'o'
// 'MM': '17'
// 'SS': '12'
// 'ssssss': '020000'
// 'SSSS': '1032'
// 'SSSSS': '51432'
// 'SSSSSS': '569832'
// 'DOM': '10'
// 'DDD': '253'
// 'DOY': '253'
// 'DOW': 'Saturday'
// 'GPSW': 2226
// 'GPSW0': '2226'
// 'GPSD': 6
// 'MJD': 59832
// 'MJDF': 59832.59527777778
// 'UNIX': 1662819432

Now that you know what kind of elements you can substitute, we can try to create a RINEX v.3 filename. We need to put the keywords into curly brackets.

Substitute RINEX v.3 Filename
obj, _ := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 12:30:00", "datetime", "")
filename := "POTS00DEU_R_{YYYY}{DDD}{HH}{MM}_01H_30S_MO.rnx"
// POTS00DEU_R_{YYYY}{DDD}{HH}{MM}_20222531230_01H_30S_MO.rnx


A given datetime can be rounded up or down to the pattern or seconds given. The default round direction is down. Options for the parameter pattern are:

Pattern Description
week rounds off to the start of the GPS week
day rounds off to the full day
hour rounds off to the full hour
min rounds off to count of minutes
sec rounds off to count of seconds
Initialize Datetime
obj, _ := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 14:17:12", "datetime", "")
Round down to Day
obj.Round("day", "down").Datetimestr("-", ":", false)
// 2022-09-10 00:00:00
Round up to Hour
obj.round("hour", "up").Datetimestr("-", ":", false)
// 2022-09-10 15:00:00


You can create a range of dateconv objects by passing the end time and a pattern as defined in Rounding. The start time will be rounded down to the pattern given.

obj, _ := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 14:17:12", "datetime", "")
to := dateconv.NewConversion("2022-09-10 17:00:12", "datetime", "")
list := obj.Range(to, "hour")
// 2022-09-10 14:00:00
// 2022-09-10 15:00:00
// 2022-09-10 16:00:00
// 2022-09-10 17:00:00